Tuesday, 8 September 2020

There's a new guy at the gym

There’s a new guy at the gym,

And I think I’ve got a thing.

He has a snake tattoo on his leg,

I don’t think I can get him out of my head.

He gives me a look,

I give a glance back

The next day, he smiled at me,

and it was love, after that.

Finding something to say is hard

Maybe a question, ‘how’s your day?’

But he’s got his headphones in

‘I like your Nike’s....by the way!!!!!!!!’

I’ll let the tensions build,

Maybe they only live in my head

But I can’t stop thinking about him,

Maybe I’ll ask for his number instead.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Pre Covid-19 world

Struggles and troubles,
People and places

Pressure and hardship,
Deceit and expectations.

They’re all engaged,
They’re all enslaved

They’re all enraged,
It’s an eternal plague.

Let me sit in the corner,
Let me wander all alone.

Leave me to my own devices,
So it’s only me I have to condone.

So I can avoid all the crazies,
All the entitled, and the drama.

All of the expectation, an the put downs,
So I can sit waiting for the karma.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

A long and winding phase

Get out into the sunshine, relax and let yourself unwind,
keep yourself busy, feel the sunshine’s warmth,
keep your mind well occupied.

There’s no use in hiding yourself away,
that’s not an enjoyable way to do it,
don’t worry about what you can’t control,
you’d think there’s just nothing to it.

A wise woman said rely on your resilience,
when you have your down and difficult days,
cos all of this will pass, it’s just a long and winding phase.

It’s not what it isn’t, but it is just what it is,
hello?, are you taking notice,
cos at there end there might be quiz.

‘That’s life’, the great Frank Sinatra said,
we’ve all gotten this far ahead,
after many times over the years,
we’ve fallen over, we’ve lost, we’ve bled.

We’ll come out of this stronger,
more aware of what we can do,
bound closer together, more aware of each other,
attached stronger together like glue.