Friday, 7 July 2017

Someone's sniffing Something

Someone's sniffing something,
And it's filling the carriage train.
Someone's sniffing something,
Try and hold my breath, I try in vain.

Someone's sniffing something,
It's all encompassing that toxic smell.
Someone's sniffing something,
That smell of chemicals, paint and hell.

Someone's sniffing something,
Their hair's a mess, but they're still smiling.
Someone's sniffing something,
They're body's high, their temperatures rising.

Someone's sniffing something,
And someone's else has started coughing.
Someone's sniffing something,
Two backpackers board, the coughers now rocking.

Someone's sniffing something,
Not that many stops to go.
Someone's sniffing something,
Feel like I could fly, or dance or glow!

Someone's sniffing something,
Better get out, before it takes hold.
Someone's sniffing something,
Out to the fresh air, back out to the cold.