Has the world gone mad?
Is there little left to lose?
How do you escape the idiocracy
When you've given up the booze
Money and power is king
The art of conversation, all but dead
Digital media is the new queen
Facebook likes go straight to your head
In the street you get cut off,
pushed, smoked on, and shoved
When all you really want, all you really need is a hug
You're Facebook friends increase
And you're real life friends decline
You can never commit to that catch up,
when there's just
never enough time
People try to control your mind
Make you think a certain way
They try to own your ideas, your thoughts
And all you
ever get is dismay
You count your thoughts instead of sheep
Then have to
start all over again
Did you count that one before?
All you really want is some zen
Living in 2018 can be hard
But much, much harder for some
We should never ever forget
The silent, the defeated ones
As we wake each day in hope
Let's remember just two things
To be true always to ourselves
And when things get tough, to give someone you love, a